Giving Up The Need to Be Liked

“To love ourselves and support each other in the process of becoming real is perhaps the greatest single act of daring greatly.” 

― Brené Brown




gentle reminder to self:

wanting to be liked is hard work & a poor use of energies

wanting to be understood is just as much hard work as wanting to be liked

wanting to keep others’ “good” opinion of you is overrated

why are you Here?

not only to be liked

you are on a journey, one that you consciously chose to be authentic and show up as yourself every single time, & that walk may inadvertently involve stepping on toes many times unintentionally, especially when new people are met.

make all steps with the intention of love and kindness noting that some may interpret this differently

you are full of boldness, of courage, of courageous moves, dreams that are too big for some to see,

you are full of curiosity, questions, questions, questions & more questions

you are so much more than being liked

you are love

a woman wanting to learn, to grow to share, to support your sisters, to be, to flo

you are willing now, to do all of that, as YOU

minus the overthinking & the need to be liked

you are willing to remain kind as you step into the arena

this will require courage, change, openness, letting in, letting go, sometimes tears, embracing vulnerability & some conflict may inevitably arise. Do not shrink!

you are here to share lessons on the journey downloaded directly to you from the most High

so… when you get scared that they will no longer like you remember to stand on what you know

on what you came here for

remember that you are a human be…ing, you have issues as well

remember that walking this path requires courage that you already possess

remember that there is no compromise on who you are

& why you are here