[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] I shall not run or hide

In the midst of your most troubling time, difficult challenge, frightening
experience, know that you can feel bad and recover. it is not the pain, fear, shame, guilt which will "kill" you; it is your
attempt to run away that will when we run from our challenges we kill off our power we strangle our strength, we suffocate our character. we assassinate our
character and ability to grow be still and know........no matter what you will survive - Iyanla Vanzant

Have you ever made a decision and thought OMG did I just do that?? again??? The conversation I have with myself goes something like this:

  1. Oh no not again!!!
  2. Okay, what is the lesson here?
  3. Shit, shit shit shit again? really?
  4. Okay calm down, you are human
  5. What is the lesson here?
  6. I am a grown folk, I can do whatever I want
  7. That's justifying nonsense I keep repeating to myself
  8. Calm down
  9. Okay, let's decide on a way forward and get committed
  10. Let's do this

Now this conversation can stay stuck on number 5 for a very long time or it
can run through to decision in a flash!

I must admit that lately I have been moving from number 3 faster, it is
really a shitty place to be! I now also look back and say hey you've made it though much more and much
tougher this is a small thing, put your big girl panties on!

I have been having this conversation this week, I am on number 8, stay
tuned... Peace

-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 6/20/2016 04:13:00 pm