Transitions are Part of Journey

Without exception, when the moment of THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE, NOW, has arrived, all of us have felt side-swiped by that moment. It’s not convenient. It’s a moment that acts as both our albatross and our lighthouse, in equal measure. Kate Courageous 

The time to change, the time for change,  the time for a shift happens for me when I am going through discomfort. When things in my life seem t be ging haywire. I don't usually know how this change  will manifest itself in reality and I have stopped wondering because usually when it manifests it blows my mind, because it is a gazillion times better than what I thought it would be.

Sometimes it is hard, as humans we like comfort, we love certainty, we want assurance that all is well. In a transition period those are not all.

But it doesn't always have to be hard, when we let go, it becomes easier. Letting go does not mean giving up or settling, it means trusting the process, doing the wrk and trusting your intuition.

I say this to remind myself. There are so many transitions happening with me at the moment. I will be honest, I want it to stop. I want comfort and certainty. I want peace. I want results.

We cannot move to the next level with comfort and certainty. Risk is required.

Risk and uncertainty are the qualities that bring out faith and trust. Two other essential qualities that are required on the Journey.

The discomfort is part of the Journey. Accept that and it will help

Discomfort meaning doing new things that may scare you. Discomfort meaning feeling inconvenienced. Discomfort may mean vulnerability. 

Do a new thing.

Do a new thing.

Do a new thing.
