St Kitts and Nevis - Day 4

no effort is ever wasted, although some pay


dividends later than you think.




Do not imagine that you "wasted your time" because

something didn't turn out right. There is no such thing

as "waste" in the Universe. Everything -- everything --

yields benefit. Neale Donald Walsh

 As I wrap up my time here on this very charming island, I reflect on the lessons - of course! Something one of the fisherfolk said yesterday came back to me this morning as I was reading, I shared part of the reading above, by Neale Donald Walsh

He said yesterday " I just did not want to come here and waste my time" 

How many times have I said that about things that I do, people I am to meet, and places to be?

I must admit, this same phrase is on repeat in my head. And then he said it, I was on the other side of the comment, so it not only resonates, it put me in a position to see that saying it about another is really a tad bit arrogant!

Then it continues this morning - the Universe is always right on time! Neale pops up as my reading and says "no effort is ever wasted and do not imagine that you wasted your time" 

Everything yields benefit

Everything is useful

It's all a matter of perpective

Give full effort, show up and know it is of use!
