Your Story Has Power

In truth, there is a small one that suffers in each of us, an angel trying to grow wings in the dark,and as this angel learns how to sing, we lose the urge to hide Mark Nepo

I think it was Oprah Winfrey that I first heard with this theory - that secrets breed guilt, shame and fear. I heard it again from Ms Iyanla who talked about how secrets make us sick, unhealthy

she says that "you are as sick as your secrets" and the hard thing to accept that the secret was held to protect somebody, not to hurt anyone

It becomes an infection because there are lies and secrets associated with keeping the secret a secret

Iyanla says - love people and rspect them enough to tell them the truth.

The truth yes, the truth - will set you free

Hiding can take many forms



Diminishing yourself


Addictions (food, sex,drugs)


Staying away from people

Stopping the pain and hiding starts by- stopping the story, change the story, your story has power in it, find it, use it,own it- the story that you tell yourself will shape your life

Tell the truth - to yourself first

Own it


You got this


Watch- there is Power in Your Story